Home Theater
Imagine yourself in a place where you can enjoy movies and snacks at a reasonable price, add in the stay at home convenience with no waiting lines, all while sitting in the best seat in the house and you’ve got a compelling view of a Murray Electronics designed Personal Home Theater. The versatility of home theater allows it to be integrated into almost any space where you want to enjoy casual entertainment. The re-creation of concerts, movies, sporting events or even video games on a big screen with surround sound makes entertaining fun again. New technologies are dramatically improving the experience of enjoying entertainment at home. The advent of High Definition has ushered in a generation of technology that produce images that were unimaginable only a few years ago. Out of all the leisure products we can purchase, few offer the long-term satisfaction and usability of a home theater system. And a home entertainment system is one of the few gifts we can give ourselves that the entire family can enjoy for years to come. At Murray Electronics we want you to Live the Experience daily. And what better way to do that than to install one of our custom designed home theaters.

Address:    304-B North 12th St., Murray, KY 42071

Phone:     (270) 753-7567

Business Hours:     8a-4:30p M-F